- Scientific publications
- Lorenceau J, Cavanagh P. Jumpy and Jerky: When Peripheral Vision Faces Reverse-Phi. i-Perception. September 2020. doi:10.1177/2041669520939107
- Lenglet T, Mirault J, Veyrat-Masson M, Funkiewiez A, Amador MDM, Bruneteau G, Le Forestier N, Pradat PF, Salachas F, Vacher Y, Lacomblez L, Lorenceau J. Cursive Eye-Writing With Smooth-Pursuit Eye-Movement Is Possible in Subjects With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Front Neurosci, 2019, 13, pp.538. (PDF)
- Lamirel C, Ajasse S, Moulignier A, Salomon L, Deschamps R, Gueguen A, Vignal C, Cochereau I, Lorenceau J. A novel method of inducing endogenous pupil oscillations to detect patients with unilateral optic neuritis. PLoS One, 2018, 13 (8), pp.e0201730.
- Ajasse S, Benosman RB, Lorenceau J. Effects of pupillary responses to luminance and attention on visual spatial discrimination. J Vis, 2018, 18 (11), pp.6.
- Portron A, Lorenceau J. Sustained smooth pursuit eye movements with eye-induced reverse-phi motion. J Vis, 2017, 17 (1), pp.5.
- Boyer EO, Portron A, Bevilacqua F, Lorenceau J. Continuous Auditory Feedback of Eye Movements: An Exploratory Study toward Improving Oculomotor Control. Front Neurosci, 2017, 11, pp.197.
- Lamirel C, Milea D, Cochereau I, Duong MH, Lorenceau J. Impaired saccadic eye movement in primary open-angle glaucoma. J Glaucoma, 2014, 23 (1), pp.23-32.
- Aissani C, Martinerie J, Yahia-Cherif L, Paradis AL, Lorenceau J. Beta, but not gamma, band oscillations index visual form-motion integration. PLoS One, 2014, 9 (4), pp.e95541.
- Buffat S, Chastres V, Bichot A, Rider D, Benmussa F, Lorenceau J. OB3D, a new set of 3D objects available for research: a web-based study. Front Psychol, 2014, 5, pp.1062.
- Diard J, Rynik V, Lorenceau J. A Bayesian computational model for online character recognition and disability assessment during cursive eye writing. Front Psychol, 2013, 4, pp.843.
- Caclin A, Paradis AL, Lamirel C, Thirion B, Artiges E, Poline JB, Lorenceau J. Perceptual alternations between unbound moving contours and bound shape motion engage a ventral/dorsal interplay. J Vis, 2012, 12 (7).
- Lorenceau J. Cursive writing with smooth pursuit eye movements. Curr Biol, 2012, 22 (16), pp.1506-9.
- Paradis AL, Morel S, Seriès P, Lorenceau J. Speeding up the brain: when spatial facilitation translates into latency shortening. Front Hum Neurosci, 2012, 6, pp.330.
- Buffat S, Plantier J, Roumes C, Lorenceau J. Repetition blindness for natural images of objects with viewpoint changes. Front Psychol, 2012, 3, pp.622.
- Cottereau B, Lorenceau J, Gramfort A, Clerc M, Thirion B, Baillet S. Phase delays within visual cortex shape the response to steady-state visual stimulation. Neuroimage, 2011, 54 (3), pp.1919-29.
- Aissani C, Cottereau B, Dumas G, Paradis AL, Lorenceau J. Magnetoencephalographic signatures of visual form and motion binding. Brain Res, 2011, 1408, pp.27-40.
- Benmussa F, Aissani C, Paradis AL, Lorenceau J. Coupled dynamics of bistable distant motion displays. J Vis, 2011, 11 (8), pp.14, 1-19.
- Hupé JM, Lamirel C, Lorenceau J. Pupil dynamics during bistable motion perception. J Vis, 2009, 9 (7), pp.10.
- Hupé JM, Lamirel C, Lorenceau J. Pupil dilation does not predict subsequent stability in perceptual rivalry. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2008, 105 (28), pp.E43; author reply E44. (PDF)
- Miskiewicz A, Buffat S, Paradis AL, Lorenceau J. Shape and motion interactions at perceptual and attentional levels during processing of structure from motion stimuli. J Vis, 2008, 8 (16), pp.17.1-14. (PDF)
- Lorenceau J, Lalanne C. Superposition catastrophe and form-motion binding. J Vis, 2008, 8 (8), pp.13.1-14.
- Alais D, Lorenceau J, Arrighi R, Cass J. Contour interactions between pairs of Gabors engaged in binocular rivalry reveal a map of the association field. Vision Res, 2006, 46 (8-9), pp.1473-87.
- Lalanne C, Lorenceau J. Directional shifts in the barber pole illusion: effects of spatial frequency, spatial adaptation, and lateral masking. Vis Neurosci, 2006, 23 (5), pp.729-39.
- Lorenceau J, Giersch A, Seriès P. Dynamic competition between contour integration and contour segmentation probed with moving stimuli. Vision Res, 2005, 45 (1), pp.103-16.
- Lalanne C, Lorenceau J. Crossmodal integration for perception and action. J Physiol Paris, 2004, 98 (1-3), pp.265-79.
- Lorenceau J. Geometry and the visual brain. J Physiol Paris, 2003, 97 (2-3), pp.99-103.
- Seriès P, Lorenceau J, Frégnac Y. The ’’silent’’ surround of V1 receptive fields: theory and experiments. J Physiol Paris, 2003, 97 (4-6), pp.453-74.
- Alais D, Lorenceau J. Perceptual grouping in the Ternus display: evidence for an ’association field’ in apparent motion. Vision Res, 2002, 42 (8), pp.1005-16.
- Georges S, Seriès P, Frégnac Y, Lorenceau J. Orientation dependent modulation of apparent speed: psychophysical evidence. Vision Res, 2002, 42 (25), pp.2757-72.
- Seriès P, Georges S, Lorenceau J, Frégnac Y. Orientation dependent modulation of apparent speed: a model based on the dynamics of feed-forward and horizontal connectivity in V1 cortex. Vision Res, 2002, 42 (25), pp.2781-97.
- Lorenceau J, Alais D. Form constraints in motion binding. Nat Neurosci, 2001, 4 (7), pp.745-51.
- Stone LS, Beutter BR, Lorenceau J. Visual motion integration for perception and pursuit. Perception, 2000, 29 (7), pp.771-87. (PDF)
- Chavane F, Monier C, Bringuier V, Baudot P, Borg-Graham L, Lorenceau J, Frégnac Y. The visual cortical association field: a Gestalt concept or a psychophysiological entity?. J Physiol Paris, 2000, 94 (5-6), pp.333-42.
- Lorenceau J, Zago L. Cooperative and competitive spatial interactions in motion integration. Vis Neurosci, 1999, 16 (4), pp.755-70. (PDF)
- Giersch A, Lorenceau J. Effects of a benzodiazepine, lorazepam, on motion integration and segmentation: an effect on the processing of line-ends?. Vision Res, 1999, 39 (11), pp.2017-25. (PDF)
- Lorenceau J. Veridical perception of global motion from disparate component motions. Vision Res, 1998, 38 (11), pp.1605-10. (PDF)
- Shiffrar M, Lorenceau J. Increased motion linking across edges with decreased luminance contrast, edge width and duration. Vision Res, 1996, 36 (14), pp.2061-7. (PDF)
- Lorenceau J. Motion integration with dot patterns: effects of motion noise and structural information. Vision Res, 1996, 36 (21), pp.3415-27. (PDF)
- Boucart M, Humphreys GW, Lorenceau J. Automatic access to object identity: attention to global information, not to particular physical dimensions, is important. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 1995, 21 (3), pp.584-601.
- Lorenceau J, Boucart M. Effects of a static textured background on motion integration. Vision Res, 1995, 35 (16), pp.2303-14. (PDF)
- Shiffrar M, Li X, Lorenceau J. Motion integration across differing image features. Vision Res, 1995, 35 (15), pp.2137-46. (PDF)
- Lorenceau J, Shiffrar M, Wells N, Castet E. Different motion sensitive units are involved in recovering the direction of moving lines. Vision Res, 1993, 33 (9), pp.1207-17. (PDF)
- Castet E, Lorenceau J, Bonnet C. The inverse intensity effect is not lost with stimuli in apparent motion. Vision Res, 1993, 33 (12), pp.1697-708.
- Castet E, Lorenceau J, Shiffrar M, Bonnet C. Perceived speed of moving lines depends on orientation, length, speed and luminance. Vision Res, 1993, 33 (14), pp.1921-36. (PDF)
- Lorenceau J, Shiffrar M. The influence of terminators on motion integration across space. Vision Res, 1992, 32 (2), pp.263-73. (PDF)
- Dresp B, Lorenceau J, Bonnet C. Apparent brightness enhancement in the Kanizsa square with and without illusory contour formation. Perception, 1990, 19 (4), pp.483-9.
- Lorenceau J. Recovery from contrast adaptation: effects of spatial and temporal frequency. Vision Res, 1987, 27 (12), pp.2185-91. (PDF)
- Bonnet C, Le Gall M, Lorenceau J. [Neuro-sensory adaptation to visual movement]. Annee Psychol, 1982, 82 (1), pp.7-17.
- Publications grand public en français dans la revue Cerveau & Psycho
- https://www.cerveauetpsycho.fr/sd/illusions/lillusion-de-la-chute-deau-5220.php
- https://www.cerveauetpsycho.fr/sd/neurobiologie/la-vision-des-frequences-5418.php
- Patent: Lorenceau. Eye writing. Patent # : Lorenceau, J. (2014). U.S. Patent Application No. 14/122,412. 2014.
- Emissions télévision
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-3EhmdDP-c
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VG7quTCefg
- https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2012/07/write-me-only-thine-eyes
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVBHa_GL1CQ
- A regarder aussi: La fureur de voir, Film de Manuel von Strürler (Bande annonce)